How to Make Long Lasting Impression on first date
Now it is a difficult time in the today dating world. Boys and girls are picky, and many decide they want to live their lives alone rather than with someone who does not fit into their criteria. However, every night brings more meetings at coffee shops, nights at the movies, and romantic dinners, where two lonely people are trying to decide if they are compatible. First impressions are important. Follow these tips to avoid disaster on a first date
• Be Prepared -A woman loves a man with a plan. Guys, she'll know you're really interested if you take some time to plan the date and take her somewhere creative.
• Have No Expectations - Don't expect your date to act or be a certain way. This will only disappoint you. Try to appreciate them for who they are no matter if you see a second date in the future or not. There is something that you can learn from everyone you meet and from all of your experiences. If it does not work out, don't get frustrated. Just appreciate what you learned from the experience and keep looking. "When you decide to be with a person, don't try to change anything about them." .
• Look your Best - Your date will appreciate that you have taken some effort in getting ready for your date, even if it is just having a shower! Bad breath or strong body odor can win you a ticket straight to Dumpsville.
• It's not about What you say but How you say it -"60% of all human communication is non-verbal and 30% is your tone." . Be yourself and have confidence. Have a positive attitude towards the date, be open and communicative, smile, relax and have fun.
• Show Interest - If you are interested, a little bit of innocent flirting can be sexy. Even if it's just a way that you look at them, or possibly a touch on the shoulder, but make sure you are getting some positive vibes back from your date before taking this too far.
• Listen and Respond - Look your date in the eye and attentively listen to them. "That way when it's your turn to respond, you'll have something better to say than 'I like your mouth'"
• Tell the Truth - Always be honest about who you are and your past. "You don't need to pretend to be something else. When you pretend to be what you are not, you are always going to fail"
This blog is great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you very much.
From my point of view one should be confident,able to express himself,have the ability to make the proper eye contact,good dressing sense and able to handle the female,etc will in-turn makes good impression on the girl...
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